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The Party branch of Henan Civil and Architectural Society organized all party members to study the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee

Release time: 2021-12-06Source: Base platform Contributor: System administrator Approver: 1 Originator: 1

On November 30, Henan Civil and Architectural Society organized all party members in the Party member activity room to implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Party。


At the meeting, we deeply studied the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee。Each party member and cadre will lead the reading of a paragraph of the Communique of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and everyone will study together and thoroughly understand the four great achievements of the Party, the five historical significance of the Party's centennial struggle, the ten experiences of the Party, and the achievements in 13 aspects since the 18th National Congress。

For the above learning content,Secretary of the society Wang Aiju and Secretary Guo Chunxi made in-depth interpretation and explanation to the party members at the party members' meeting,Encourage young Party members in our branch to uphold the leadership of the Party,stay true to the mission,Stick to your job,Adhere to the study and work in the process of active practice, profound implementation,Always stand in the forefront of the trend of The Times, stand in the forefront of overcoming difficulties,Gather strength for a new era,Fulfill the ideal for the new journey,Maintain strategic focus and confidence in victory。


Through this study of the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee,All Party members and cadres attending the meeting realize that,The implementation of the spirit of the plenary session will surely be the focus of our work,We will use the spirit of the plenary session to guide our practical work,Mobilize party members and cadres to take the lead,Drive the staff around to firm ideals and beliefs,Be an official and start one's own business,To realize the deep integration of party building and learning work,Contribute to the development of the society。

About Henan Civil Architecture Society

Henan Civil Architecture Society is a provincial, public welfare, professional and non-profit scientific and technological academic social organization voluntarily established by scientific and technological workers in the field of civil construction and relevant units in Henan province, approved by the provincial Civil Affairs Department and registered,Have independent legal personality;The competent unit shall be Science and Technology Association of Henan Province,Accept the supervision and administration of the provincial Civil Affairs Department,In business, we accept the guidance of China Civil Engineering Society, China Architectural Society and Henan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development。

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    • Contact: Zhang Miaozi

    • Contact number: 0371-63934798

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    • Address: No.96, Huanghe Road, Zhengzhou City

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